
Friday, July 16, 2010

You always hear all these stories about kids running away from home. I'm sure the thought has entered our minds once or twice. When it does enter my mind, I wonder who wouldn't really care? Who would laugh? Who would go looking for me? Who would refuse to believe im gone? Who would come with me? It's thoughts like these that always happen to run through my mind. I would never have the guts to run away. But you always hear all these stories about kids running away from home.. What could have possibly gave them the courage to run away? It must have been pretty bad at home. So thats when I think, maybe courage isn't that good of a quality, when it can be gained at the worst of times. You don't always benift from courage. Houdini sure didn't. I'm pretty sure he had all the courage in the world to pull all those stunts, but he died because of his courage. Or maybe courage can be a good thing when used wisely, I dont think he was that wise to do what he did. Who's to really say.